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Sustainable Excellence: PharmaBlock Earns AA Wind ESG Rating

Publish Date:23/08/2024 Author:PharmaBlock

PharmaBlock (Stock code: 300725.SZSE), a global pharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing service provider with a focus on chemistry and low-carbon technology innovation, announced that its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility has been recognized with an upgraded AA Wind ESG Rating. This continuous improvement in ESG Rating fully demonstrates PharmaBlock's unwavering dedication to excellence in environmental, social, and governance practices.

With a mission to "innovate chemistry for a greener and healthier world", PharmaBlock has set the strategic vision for industry-leading sustainability through innovative chemistry and low-carbon technologies. In 2023, PharmaBlock took a decisive step forward by formalizing the ESG governance structure, bolstering its oversight and implementation of sustainable practices. Its membership in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and active participation in the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) further embeds sustainable development principles into the core operations and strategic planning.

PharmaBlock has fully integrated the concept of sustainable development into its daily operations and decision-making processes, aligning with international ESG management standards. In addition to certifications such as ISO 9001 for Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 for Environmental Management Systems, and ISO 45001 for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, the company has also achieved several important certifications in recent years, including ISO 50001 for Energy Management Systems, ISO/IEC 27001 for Information Security Management Systems, and GB/T 39604-2020 for Social Accountability (SA) Management Systems. These achievements highlight the company's significant progress in energy efficiency management, lean operations, and social responsibility management.

On the foundation of systematic management, PharmaBlock has also demonstrated outstanding performance in the field of green chemistry and low-carbon technology innovation. Leveraging innovative technologies such as continuous flow and micropacked bed hydrogenation, the company has won the ACS CMO Green Chemistry Excellence Award for two consecutive years in 2023 and 2024. This recognition underscores PharmaBlock's commitment to providing clients with more efficient, environmentally friendly, and safer drug development and manufacturing services.

Dr. Minmin Yang, Founder of PharmaBlock, remarked, "Our enhanced Wind ESG rating is a testament to our enduring efforts. As the pharmaceutical industry increasingly prioritizes ESG, PharmaBlock stands resolute in its pursuit of green chemistry and low-carbon manufacturing strategies. We are committed to delivering more efficient, cost-effective, and greener solutions to our clients, thereby contributing to the industry's sustainable development journey."

About Wind ESG Rating

Wind has developed a rigorous rating methodology based on the core connotations of ESG, aligning with international standards and frameworks, and incorporating the characteristics of Chinese companies, to assess the company's essential ESG performance, risk and its ability to operate sustainably.

Focusing on the ESG risks and opportunities of each industry, the companies are rated on a AAA-CCC scale relative to the performance of their industry peers. Wind ESG rating is updated annually or in response to major changes.

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