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Micropacked Bed Technology

Application of continuous flow process in hydrogenation with micro-packed bed reactor is a viable and promising option to overcome the barriers of conventional batch reactors. At PharmaBlock, micropacked bed has been successfully used in different chemistries, including but not limited to:

•  Deprotection

•  Nitro reduction

•  Nitrile reduction

•  Diazo reduction

•  Oxime reduction

•  Olefin/acetylene reduction

•  Reductive amination

•  Phenyl ring reduction

•  Selective dehalogenation

•  Pyridine ring reduction

•  Asymmetric hydrogenation

Integrated Solutions

•  Proof of concept and bench-scale R&D of flow hydrogenation process

•  Pilot-scale process research, design and operation

•  Turnkey solution service for industrial-scale plant operation (including hydrogenation process,  equipment and catalyst)

Catalyst Development, Screening and Production Capabilities 


PharmaBlock's chemistry and engineering team has been developing and producing palladium (Pd(I/II)), platinum (Pt) and ruthenium (Ru) catalysts to provide a better solution to extent catalyst life cycle and reduce cost.


Capacity—From Lab to Manufacturing Scale


Most applications of micropacked bed reactors in pharmaceutical industry nowadays are still limited to from lab-scale to kilogram. However, PharmaBlock has designed and assembled manufacturing-scale equipment which has the capacity of delivering hundred metric ton output annually.


Automatic Process Detection and Control


The micropacked bed reactors of different sizes at PharmaBlock are equipped with DCS (distributed control system) to achieve automatic detection and control of the entire device. The dedicated state-of-the-art control system is equipped with low-, high- and ultra-high-alarm along with multi-level safety protection logic to ensure accuracy, safety and reliability.

Click here to know more about our INSIGHTS & CASE STUDIES of continuous flow chemistry

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